1 0 Dog....The inventor??
At first I though he painted an old milk crate, but then I saw the genius. Many of us have thought about how to keep the Xbox 360 cool. Blowing on it doesn't work, pouring cold water on it doesn't work, having your kids fan it while you play didn't work either, but now we can buy the $90.00 accessory for the cooling touch your 360 needs. As soon as Owen gets a patent, and full distribution rights at EB Games and Game Stop, he will be the millionaire he wants to be.
The CadFly & Draagor setup
Ok everyone wants to know just how did CadFly spend the insurance $$$ from the "blown up" 50inch TV. This is it, HD & X-Box 360 bliss. Now just in case you were wondering where the 50incher went, it is in my daughters room. Now I know their is a controversy as to whose TV is bigger, but I assure you Rufrydersc 51inch does not hold a candle to the 55inch dream TV. If you have CadFly's size beat (TV size that is) then send me a pic, and I will humbly post the winner. cad_fly@yahoo.com or cadfly@charter.net. Look how neat this room is, Mrs. Fly must have got some dishes done.